hi! i am ruth dehoyos and i am with expertvillage to show you how to do your wonderful bridal bouquet and a corsage for the perfectwedding. we are going to make like a little bow and you just pinch it underneath yourthumb and your pointer finger; and you get this other side and you make a little loopover that and then you just pinch it. you do not have to have much, then you do it again,another loop, and another loop to come back up. that is all i am going to do. this isthe backside of the bow. this is not your bow. then you take your scissors and you cut,put a another little tuck and you cut again then you take your thin, thin wire again ispecify thin wire because if thick wire it just does not work. it gets too fat and thenyou cannot use corsage pin. this is your little
tuck, then you take your little tuck and putit in the back of your corsage like so and that makes it look just perfect and tape it.
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